The curriculum “imitates” art: border relations potentiated in Pina Bausch’s dance-theater




Curriculum, Art, Negotiation


The text on screen starts from the motto “The Curriculum ‘imitates’ Art”, aiming to provoke reflections on the curricular field as a fluid movement that does not end in the walls of the school. We bring to the debate experiences of artistic experimentation and the dance-theater of Pina Bausch that mobilize debates that go beyond binary logics, focusing on the conception of meaning as a fluid, hybrid process. On the borders between the ballet tradition and the performances of this tradition, Pina's stages bring dance as an experience, something ambivalent in which the new always breaks out, breaking this tradition, due to the processes of cultural enunciation. In this path, we bring Homi Bhabha and Jacques Derrida, who, in dialogue with Pina Bausch's dance-theater, allow us to deepen a post-structural discursive perspective on curriculum as a movement that hybridizes in the relationship with the other in which the attempts of reproduction – imitation – are deferral processes. Thus, the appropriations that we make to the curriculum field – and that we bring in this text – allow us to problematize the meanings of curriculum as a new contaminated. We defend, therefore, the provisionality and the always other experience of the curricular production that is always borderline, as proposed by Bauschian dance.

Author Biographies

Ana Paula Pereira Marques de Carvalho, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Ana Paula Carvalho is PhD in Education from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), with emphasis on Curricular Policies, Teacher Training and Technology. Currently, she is the Coordinator of the Scientific Initiation Scholarship Program at UERJ. She also works on projects signed between UERJ and the Secretary of Education of the State of Rio de Janeiro (SEEDUC-RJ), as Pedagogical Coordinator of the Specialization Course in Literacy, Reading and Writing, and also coordinates the (En)Caminhando Project. to the University in public schools in the Metropolitan II and Baixadas Litorâneas regions of the State of Rio de Janeiro.

Rita de Cássia Prazeres Frangella, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Rita de Cássia Prazeres Frangella is an associate professor at the Faculty of Education at the State University of Rio de Janeiro. Professor of the Graduate Program in Education/Proped/UERJ
She coordinates the GRPESq "Curriculum, Training and Education in Human Rights". CNPq Productivity Scholar, Scientist of Our State/FAPERJ, Procientist/UERJ. She was president of the Brazilian Curriculum Association / ABdC in the 2019-2021 biennium.


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How to Cite

Carvalho, A. P. P. M. de, & Frangella, R. de C. P. (2022). The curriculum “imitates” art: border relations potentiated in Pina Bausch’s dance-theater. Série-Estudos - Periódico Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Educação Da UCDB, 27(61), 13–29.



Dossiê: Currículos culturais não-escolares: processos de subjetivação, verdades e relações de poder