The complexity of teaching: the perception of Pedagogy interns about the challenges for the promotion of teaching well-being
supervised internship, autobiographical narratives, teaching well-being/malaiseAbstract
This article presents the challenges of teaching in the early years of the elementary school in the perception of six students from the Pedagogy course, during the period of Supervised Internship (ES), held in five municipal schools in a city in the interior of Mato Grosso do Sul (MS). The methodology, with a qualitative approach, used autobiographical narratives produced in the final reports of the Supervised Internship as data for analyzes. To understand the perceptions that the interns had about the challenges of the teaching profession and if they remained motivated to teach after the internship, the narratives were analyzed through thematic content analysis, proposed by Fritz Schütze. We found that, despite having perceived some challenges and/or factors that hinder teaching well-being, such as overcrowding and indiscipline in the classroom, the complex relationship between family and school, the lack of material resources, and the inclusion of children with disabilities, these interns remained motivated and determined to embrace the teaching profession.
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